Meet the people behind the Network and read our Terms of Reference

International AntiMicrobial & Host Defence Peptide Network
The iAMPNet executive committee started in March 2023 with the aim to improve scientific exchange between researchers in the Antimicrobial and Host Defence Peptide field. Researchers in this field have various expertise, including microbiology, chemistry, cell and computational biology. To synergize AMP research we need to exchange, combine and learn from each others expertise. iAMPNet aims to support this goal by facilitating exchange of research, expertise and supporting mentoring of junior and mid-career researchers. Our mission and additional information are described in the Terms of Reference below.

Executive Committee
Anne van der Does, PhD
Marc Devocelle, PhD
Renee Fleeman, PhD
Courtney Marshall, MSc
Neeloffer Mookherjee, PhD
Justin Randall, PhD
Lisa Ryan, PhD
Milan Wouters, MSc
The Executive committee oversees all committees, develops the year planning and promotes the mission of the network. If you want to become active in any of the committees below you are very welcome! Please contact us via the form on the main page.
Social Media and Website Committee
Milan Wouters, MSc
Renee Fleeman, PhD
Justin Randall, PhD
The Social Media committee manages the website and social media channels of iAMPNet.
Webinar Committee
Neeloffer Mookherjee, PhD
Marc Devocelle, PhD
Anne van der Does, PhD
The Webinar committee manages the online activities of iAMPNet and supports the organization of webinars and seminars throughout the year.
Mentoring Committee
Courtney Marshall, MSc
Lisa Ryan, PhD
The Mentoring committee manages the mentorship program and organizes the yearly Mentorship Month.

Terms of Reference
Definition of iAMPNet: International AntiMicrobial & host defence Peptide Network (iAMPNet), is an international network of research scientists (academic and non-academic) of all career stages including early career investigators (within 10 years of completion of PhD) and trainees (including graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and medical residents). These Terms of Reference set out the iAMPNet’s mission and collateral matters pertaining to its function.
iAMPNet Mission: The mission of the International AntiMicrobial & Host Defence Peptide Network (IAMPNet) is to promote research on antimicrobial and host defence peptides by providing a global platform to connect trainees and researchers at individual and institutional levels, to facilitate mentoring opportunities for students and early career researchers, and highlight emerging concepts and themes in antimicrobial and host defence peptide research.
iAMPNet Purpose: To create a virtual platform that will connect, mentor and advocate on behalf of researchers in antimicrobial and host defence peptides, and to inspire innovation and excellence through positive role models and outreach programs.
In support of its purpose, the iAMPNet Mandate includes the following:
To offer and to facilitate mentorship for early career researchers and trainees.
To foster positive connections for researchers to facilitate collaborations and community partnered events.
To highlight the scientific achievements of antimicrobial and host defence peptide researchers.
In support of its mandate, the iAMPNet Activities will primarily include virtual events including seminars, panel discussions and networking events.
iAMPNet Membership: iAMPNet welcomes participation from individuals of all nationalities and genders, who are supportive of its mission to promote, connect, mentor and highlight researchers in antimicrobial and host defence peptide research globally.
Diversity of Membership: The iAMPNet will strive to achieve diverse membership on its committees that is reflective of its commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion and this should be considered in the appointment of Executive Committee members. The Committee will strive to maintain membership that includes both academic and non-academic scientists, and researchers of all career stages; trainees, early career and mid to established career researchers, representing at least four different countries and at least two continents.
Chair and Vice-Chair: The Executive Committee Chair (i.e., the “Chair”) shall be nominated and appointed by the iAMPNet Executive Committee. A Vice-Chair shall be nominated and appointed by the iAMPNet Executive Committee.
Terms of Office: The Chair and Vice-Chair are appointed for two (2) year terms, with option of renewal for an additional one year, by consensus and approval of the iAMPNet Executive Committee. If, for any reason, either the Chair or the Vice-Chair cannot complete their term, the Committee will nominate and elect a person in their stead for the remainder of that term.
Responsibilities of Chair and Vice-Chair: The Chair, or the Vice-Chair in the Chair’s absence, is responsible for the following at Committee meetings:
a) Calling the meeting to order;
b) Establishing an agenda and ensuring agenda items are addressed;
c) Ensuring the minutes from prior meeting(s) are reviewed and approved by the Committee (with or without modification);
d) Facilitating discussion to reach consensus on matters under consideration in a professional manner;
e) Adjourning meetings after business is concluded; and
f) Acting as the main representative of the Committee.
Purpose of the iAMPNet Executive Committee: The iAMPNet Executive Committee (“Committee”) is established to act as the main operating committee of iAMPNet, in alignment with its mission, purpose and mandate.
Best Interests: Committee members shall deal with matters before the Committee in such a way that the best interests of the iAMPNet take precedence over the interests of any of its constituent parts, should those interests conflict or appear to conflict.
Consultation: In carrying out its role, the Committee may call upon various resources as it deems required.
As part of its Mandate, the Committee will engage in the following activities:
a) Setting priorities to ensure that the events and activities are planned in accordance with the iAMPNet mission, purpose and mandate.
b) Coordinating efforts with other organizations for promoting activities relating to the iAMPNet mission, purpose and mandate.
c) Bringing together the activities of any Working Groups to facilitate decision making to ensure that major decisions are made based on consensus agreement.
d) Soliciting nominations from the iAMPNet membership for Committee appointments.
e) Planning for the succession for the role of Chair and Vice-Chair.
f) Developing, maintaining and supporting the development of clear organizational processes.
g) Facilitating constant renewal of ideas to ensure ongoing promotion of the iAMPNet mission, purpose and mandate.
h) Referring, if required and deemed appropriate by the Committee, priority issues connected to the iAMPNetmission, purpose and mandate to a working group or sub-committee (“Working Group”) for review, collaboration and analysis.
Number of Meetings: The iAMPNet Committee shall meet virtually at least six (6) times a year, or subject to the call of the Chair.
Notice of Meetings: Notice of a Committee meeting must be provided to Committee members, at least five (5) business days in advance of the meeting, unless waived by the Committee members at the meeting.
Agenda: Agenda items should be sent to the Committee administrative support person at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The agenda should be prepared and distributed to the members of the Committee prior to the meeting.
Quorum: A majority of the Committee membership (at least 50%) must be present at a meeting in order to constitute a quorum.
Decision-Making: The preferred model for decision-making is consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, a vote shall be held. The Chair will not vote unless to break a tie.
Committee Meeting Guests: All Committee meetings will be limited to Committee members and/or leads of ‘Working Groups’ only, unless the Chair otherwise grants approval for certain individuals to attend all or a portion of the meeting.
Telephone Meetings and Email Discussion: The Chair may consult with Committee members by email or arrange telephone meetings, instead of virtual meetings, as the circumstances may require.
Confidentiality: All Committee members, resource persons, consultants, guests, and administrative support persons who may be in attendance at a Executive Committee meeting or privy to Committee information, are required to protect and keep confidential any protected information (e.g., privileged information) received through participation on the Committee, unless such information is otherwise approved for public information.
Minutes & Confidentiality: Minutes are to be taken of business occurring during virtual Committee meetings and circulated for approval before the subsequent committee meeting.
Referral to Working Groups: The Committee may refer issues of priority requiring review, collaboration and analysis, to one or more Working Groups, as the circumstances require.
Working Group Leads: Each Working Group shall have one or more leads (i.e. a “Lead”), as appointed by the Committee Chair, in consultation with the Committee. The Lead need not necessarily be a Committee member but shall be an Active Member. The Lead shall provide the Committee Chair with periodic updates of the Working Group work and progress and shall provide a final report to the Committee Chair at the completion of the Working Group’s project.
Working Group Reporting: Committee Working Groups shall report to the Executive Committee through their identified Lead.
Working Group Terms of Reference: In addition to the above provisions on Working Groups:
a) The Leads shall bear in mind the iAMPNet commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion when recruiting Working Group members;
b) The terms of office for each Working Group member shall be for the duration of the assigned project, unless the Lead determines a shorter term applies; and
c) The above provisions dealing with Committee Meetings shall apply as the circumstances permit (except that minute-taking is not a requirement at Working Group meetings, given that administrative support may not be available).
Accountability: The Executive Committee is accountable to the members of the iAMPNet.
Reporting: The Executive Committee, through the Chair, shall provide a written report to its members once per calendar year, which will be available on the website of iAMPNet.
Amendments to these Terms of Reference may be proposed by the Executive Committee, which will be required to be approved by a consensus of the committee members.